§ 35A-5-302. Definitions. (Effective 5/13/2014)  

Latest version.
  •      As used in this part:
    (1) "Date of hire" means the date a person who is homeless first performs labor or services for compensation for an employer.
    (2) "Governmental entity" is as defined in Section 59-2-511.
    (3) "Permanent housing, permanent supportive, or transitional facility" means a facility:
    (a) located within the state;
    (b) that provides supervision of residents of the facility; and
    (c) that is:
    (i) a publicly or privately operated shelter:
    (A) designed to provide temporary living accommodations, including a welfare hotel, congregate shelter, or transitional housing for the mentally ill; and
    (B) that receives federal homeless assistance funding distributed by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; or
    (ii) an emergency shelter that receives homeless assistance funding from a county, city, or town.
    (4) "Person who is homeless" means an individual whose primary nighttime residence is a permanent housing, permanent supportive, or transitional facility.
    (5) "Wage requirement" means that an employer pays a person who is homeless $4,000 or more in wages during a time period that:
    (a) begins on the date of hire; and
    (b) ends no later than two calendar quarters after the calendar quarter in which the date of hire occurs.
Enacted by Chapter 315, 2014 General Session